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FP6 Financial Info & FAQs --> Project --> Audits --> EU Commission Audits

The Commission reserves the right to request a financial audit up to five years after the end of a project. It is an individual contractor that is audited and not a project. An audit could impact any and all projects the contractor has carried out under a framework contract. Audits are carried out on site usually by a local accounting company contracted by the Commission for this purpose and having no conflict of interest. We believe about 10% of participants are audited. Some of those are random and some are when there is suspicion of some irregularity. Contractors who have undertaken many/large projects are more likely to be audited.


The  draft audit report is first given to the contractor for comments as is the final audit report. Any such contractor comments if provided, will be given to the Commission with the final report if the contractor does not agree with its contents.  It is then up to the Commission to decide what action to take if any. Action can include claims for repayment of funds or for payment of funds if errors are found in the contractor's favour.

Site Developed by S.Y. Technologies Last updated: 10/21/2021