The Finance-Helpdesk was initiated by the Finance-NMS-IST Project. The Finance-Helpdesk has since expanded to cover all states. Finance-NMS-IST was an SSA that assisted New Member State Organisations with the financial and budgetary aspects of participation in the IST Program. Finance-NMS-IST trained via workshops the financial personnel within SMEs and other organisations in the 10 New Member States, and assisted them in interpreting and implementing the financial rules and regulations of FP6 to their benefit. The organisations trained include local accounting companies, commercial organisations and academic institutions. This is so that they will are able to assist their own organisations or clients both in the computation of optimal correct budgets as well as to ensure correct understanding of the financial responsibilities in entering into an EU contract. Working in coordination with each local NCP, Finance-NMS-IST used accountants with experience in FP6 rules and regulations. They shared their experiences and tools to assist and train the organisations through seminars, one to one consulting sessions and help-desk facilities. Support included proposing, negotiation, cost recording and cost reporting. This is to ensure that not only is the correct amount budgeted, but that it can also be eventually correctly realised. For more information, Please contact Dana Remes.