AC | Additional Cost model with 20% fixed overhead rate Assistant Contractor designation - only in FP5 |
ACC | Associate Candidate Countries |
Access | A type of Take up measure |
Access rights | Means licences and user rights to knowledge or pre-existing know-how |
Accompanying Measure | An activity contributing to the implementation of the program or to the preparation of future activities of the program |
Action Line | In the Workprogram Key Actions are broken down into areas and those into Technical topics. Proposals are submitted against a specific Action Line. |
ACTS | Advanced Communications Technologies and Services (FP4 Program) |
Adventure projects | Type of project to support research in "New and Emerging Science and Technology" (NEST). Adventure projects will be used to respond to unforeseen new scientific opportunities or to apply innovative and multidisciplinary approaches to address long-standing challenges. |
AL | See Action Line |
Allowable costs | See Eligible Costs |
Ambient Intelligence | A concept in IST that explores what should come beyond the current “keyboard and screen” interfaces to enable ALL citizens to access IST services wherever they are, whenever they want, and in the form that is most natural for them. It involves new technologies and applications both for the access to, and for the provision of applications and services. It calls for the development of multi-sensorial interfaces which are supported by computing and networking technologies present everywhere and embedded in everyday objects. It also requires new tools and business models for service development and provision and for content creation and delivery. |
Article 169 | New instrument for FP6 relating to complementary funding for Member States national R&D programs - not initially to be used in IST |
Article 171 | An article under which the Community may set up joint undertakings or any other structure necessary for the efficient execution of Community research, technological development and demonstration programs |
Assessments | Type of Take-up measure or type of FET Open project - dropped in FP6 |
Assessment Action | This is specific type of IP. Aims at assessment of prototype equipment and materials in state-of-the-art manufacturing. |
Associated State | Means a State which is party to an international agreement with the Community, under the terms or on the basis of which it makes a financial contribution to all or part of the Sixth Framework Program. In exchange its institutions participate and get funding on similar conditions as organisations from Member States. |
Audit certificates | Audit certificate are used to enable the Commission to ensure that the costs charged to a European Community funded research project meet the conditions for financial support. In most contracts, contractors shall provide audit certificates prepared and certified by an external auditor (for public bodies by a competent public officer) at least once during the life of the project. (in Integrated Projects and Networks of Excellence each contractor must provide one per year). The audit certificate shall certify that the costs: · are incurred during the duration of the project, · are recorded in the accounts of the contractor, · are determined in accordance with the usual accounting principles of the contractors, · meet the other main contractual requirements regarding eligibility of costs (except for necessity). |
Best Practice actions | Type of Take-up measure. In FP6 can only exist within IPs |
Budget | Budget means a financial plan estimating all the resources and expenditure needed to carry out a research activity. |
Bursary: (international co-operation training bursary) | Granted for training activities only e.g. to allow the applicant to learn a new scientific technique or to work on a particular experiment or set of experiments where the host institution has particular expertise and which cannot be performed in the home institution of the candidate. |
CA | See Coordination Action |
Call for Proposals | As published in the Official Journal. Opens parts of the Workprogram for proposals, indicating what types of actions (RTD projects, Accompanying measures etc.) are required. A provisional timetable for such Calls is included in the Workprogram |
Candidate Countries | Those NAS countries that are in process of becoming members of the EU |
CAP | See Common Agricultural Policy |
CEC | Commission of the European Communities |
CERN | European Organisation for Nuclear Research |
Collective Research | An SME special measure. Collective Research is a scheme where RTD performers undertake research activities on behalf of Industrial Associations or Groupings of SMEs |
Certification (of a proposal) | The process in FP5 by which the Coordinator may apply a digital signature to the proposal, before it is submitted to the Commission. |
CFP | See Common Fisheries Policy |
Change of control | Means any change in the control exercised over a contractor |
Cluster | A group of RTD projects and/or other cost-shared actions and/or accompanying measures that address a common theme or area of interest. |
CND | See Communication Network Development |
CNI | See Construction of New Infrastructure |
Collective Research | A special SME instrument (together with Cooperative Research). Collective Research is a form of research undertaken by RTD performers on behalf of Industrial Associations/Groupings in order to expand the knowledge base of large communities of SMEs and to improve their general standard of competitiveness |
Collective Responsibility | This is a mechanism applied in FP6 contracts by which a contractor may be held liable, technically and/or financially, fully or partially, for the action of another contractor. It is a consequence of the principle of autonomy of the consortium, which can decide about the allocation of the grant and the tasks. It is applied as a last resort in the case of a breach of the contract by one or more participants. Financial liability of a participant is limited in proportion to the participant’s share of costs in the project, up to the total payment it is entitled to receive. International organisations, public bodies or entities guaranteed by MS/AS are solely responsible for their own debts. |
Comitology | Under the Treaty establishing the European Community, it is for the Commission to implement legislation at Community level (Article 202 of the EC Treaty, ex-Article 145). In practice, each legislative instrument specifies the scope of the implementing powers granted to the Commission and how the Commission is to use them. Frequently, the instrument will also make provision for the Commission to be assisted by a committee in accordance with a procedure known as "comitology". The committees consist of representatives from Member States and are chaired by the Commission. There are different categories of committees (advisory, management, regulatory). For the implementation of FP6, the Commission is assisted by one management committee per specific program. |
Commissioner | This is a member of the Commission. They are appointed by the member countries and are similar to Government Ministers in that they head different Directorate Generals. |
Common Agriculture Policy | The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is the set of legislation and practices adopted by the Member States of the European Union in order to provide a common, unified policy on agriculture. The CAP is the most integrated of the Community-wide policies implemented by the EU. It aims to ensure that agriculture can be maintained over the long term at the heart of a living countryside. This means that the policy is targeted not just at agricultural producers but also at the wider rural population, consumers and society as a whole. |
Common Fisheries Policy | Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) are a set of common rules and regulations covering all aspects of Community policy and activities in the fisheries sector. |
Communication Network Development | Communication Network Development (CND) are a special type of Specific Support Action within the "Research infrastructures" activity of FP6. The objective of this scheme in support of existing research infrastructures is to create, in conjunction with the priority thematic research area on Information Society Technologies (IST), a denser network between related initiatives, in particular by establishing a high-capacity and high-speed communications network for all researchers in Europe (GÉANT) and specific high performance Grids and test-beds (GRIDs). In general, the Communication Network Development scheme will be concerned with the development of a "cyber-infrastructure" for Research capitalizing on new computing and communication opportunities and will promote a further breadth and depth to the collaboration amongst researchers in Europe. In this context, broadband communication networks and Grid technologies are key; in general, they are also highly relevant to the political goals set out by the European Research Area and the eEurope+ initiative and should be used as a means to enhance scientific co-operation with third countries. |
Community financial contribution | For indirect actions in FP6, in general the European Union contributes only a certain percentage of the total costs of a project. Participants have to mobilise their own resources accordingly. The percentage of the financial contribution depends on the type of activities to be carried out in the instruments and can be in the form of: a grant to the budget, as a contribution to the cost incurred, with specified maximum rates of support for the different types of activity within the project; a grant for integration, as a fixed amount to support the joint programme of activities of a Network of Excellence; a lump sum for certain specific support actions, scholarships and prizes. |
Competitive call | In FP6, for Integrated Projects and Networks of Excellence, not all participants have to be identified already at the start of the contract. In the implementation plan or in the joint programme of activities, tasks and related costs can be defined, for which a participant has to be found later. For choosing new contractors, the consortium has to prepare a competitive call. Details will be fixed in the contract with the Commission. |
Concertation | Euro English – i.e. French - the process by which representatives of various projects in a similar technical area meet together to discuss results and common problems. |
Consortium | Means all the contractors participating in the project covered by this contract. |
Consortium Agreement | Means an agreement that contractors conclude amongst themselves for the implementation of this contract. Such an agreement shall not affect the contractors’ obligations to the Community and to one another arising from this contract |
Construction of new infrastructures | Construction of new infrastructures (CNI) is a special type of Specific Support Action within the "Research infrastructures" activity of FP6. This scheme may provide limited support aimed at optimising the European nature of key new infrastructure of Europe-wide interest. Support may also be granted for a major enhancement or upgrading of existing infrastructures, in particular where this would constitute an alternative to the construction of a new infrastructure. Where appropriate, the scheme may also contribute to the construction of an infrastructure of world wide relevance that does not exist in Europe. In general, funding provided for new or enhanced infrastructures will be limited to the minimum necessary to catalyse the activity; the major part of construction and operation, and the long-term sustainability of the infrastructures in question being assured by national and/or other sources of finance |
Continuously Open Call | One having no fixed closure date, but with a periodic evaluation of received proposals. |
Contract | A grant agreement between the Community and the participants concerning the performance of an indirect action establishing rights and obligations between the Community and the participants on the one hand, and between the participants in that indirect action on the other |
Contractor | A project participant who has a wide-ranging role in the project throughout its lifetime Means a signatory to the contract (and the JRC when it participates in the contract via an administrative agreement), other than the Community |
Contract Preparation Forms | For successful proposals, the Commission will enter into negotiations to prepare a contract. The necessary administrative information from the consortium is collected in a set of forms, called Contract Preparation Forms (CPFs). For preparing these forms, coordinators have to use a software called CPF editor (to be downloaded at . The electronic templates for the CPFs, pre-filled with data from the proposal, will be sent to the coordinator together with the letter opening the contract negotiation. The CPFs cover only the administrative data of the contract. In addition to the administrative CPFs, coordinators have to provide a description of the work, the final version of which will be an annex to the contract. |
Consortium agreement | An agreement that participants in an indirect action conclude amongst themselves for its implementation. Such an agreement shall not affect participants' obligations to the Community and to one another arising out of this Regulation or the contract |
Cooperative research project (for SMEs) | Projects enabling at least three mutually independent SMEs from at least two Member States or one Member State and an Associated State to jointly Commission research carried out by a third party. Also known as CRAFT. |
Coordination Actions | Coordination actions are one of the instruments to implement FP6. They are intended to promote and support the networking and coordination of research and innovation activities. They will cover the definition, organisation and management of joint or common initiatives as well as activities such as the organisation of conferences, meetings, the performance of studies, exchange of personnel, the exchange and dissemination of good practices, setting up common information systems and expert groups. |
Coordinator (Coordinating contractor) | Lead contractor in a Community action, delegated by the consortium for the role of co-ordination with the Commission. Means the contractor identified in this contract who, in addition to its obligations as a contractor, is obliged to carry out the specific coordination tasks provided for in the contract on behalf of the consortium |
CORDIS | This is an externally funded activity that maintains the central R & D database on behalf of the Framework Program. |
COST | COST is an intergovernmental framework for European Co-operation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research (, allowing the co-ordination of nationally funded research on a European level. COST Actions cover basic and pre-competitive research as well as activities of public utility. |
Cost Models | For the reporting of costs in FP6 contracts, participants have to use one of the three following models: · Full Cost (FC) · Full Cost with indirect flat rate cost (FCF) · Additional Cost with indirect flat rate cost (AC) Access to a particular cost model depends on the type of organisation and how it is able to account for indirect costs. The full cost model is the standard model applicable in all circumstances, but it requires the contractor to be able to calculate its real overheads associated with the project. |
CPA or CPC or CPT | Cross-program Action or Cluster or Theme (in IST Program) |
CPF | See Contract Preparation Forms |
CRAFT | See Co-operative research project (for SMEs) |
CREST | CREST is the Scientific and Technical Research Committee responsible for assisting the Community institutions in the field of scientific research and technological development. |
critical mass | New criterion for FP6 instruments - see detailed description in the text for each instrument |
Dante | Organisation contracted to implement the Geant project |
Deadline | For the majority of calls, proposals have to be submitted by a fixed deadline (date and time). Deadlines are absolutely firm and enforced to the minute by the Commission. No exceptions are made for extenuating circumstances (failure of courier services to deliver on time, strikes, bad weather, late aeroplanes, trains, crashing computers etc.). Do not take a chance - proofread your proposal carefully and send it in early and to the exact address specified in the call. |
Demonstration Project | Projects designed to prove the viability of new technologies offering potential economic advantage but which cannot be commercialised directly. Has a special meaning in that it impacts the funding level. |
Design Studies | Design studies are a special type of Specific Support Action within the "Research infrastructures" activity of FP6. The objective of this scheme is to contribute to feasibility studies and technical preparatory work concerning new infrastructures of European significance, undertaken by one or a number of national or international authorities. Studies related to future facilities of world-wide relevance which do not exist in Europe, but in which European institutions intend to participate, are also included. The upgrading of existing facilities may also be considered, provided the end result can be expected to be equivalent to, or capable of replacing, a new infrastructure |
DG | See Director(ate) General |
Direct action | An RTD activity undertaken by the JRC in the execution of the tasks assigned to it under the sixth Framework Program |
Director(ate) General | Directorate General (DG) is an administrative unit of the Commission. Currently the Commission is divided into about 30 DGs (and comparable services). Five of them are involved in the management of FP6: DG Research (RTD), DG Information Society (INFSO), DG Transport and Energy (TREN), DG Enterprise (ENTR), DG Fisheries (FISH). The Director General is thetop civil servant in charge of an individual Directorate General |
Dissemination | This is the active and/or passive distribution of information about a project - it is mandatory to different extents in every project. Can also be seen as a surreptitious way of marketing. The disclosure of knowledge by any appropriate means other than publication resulting from the formalities for protecting knowledge |
Dissemination plan | A plan of how to carry out the above |
Doctoral student | Within a Network of Excellence, doctoral students mean students who are enrolled on a recognised course of doctoral studies run by one of the contractors and who do not meet the conditions to be considered as a researcher. |
DRIVE | A part of the FP2 and FP3 which dealt with transport telematics |
EC | European Commission |
eContent | A EU funded program outside of the Framework Program |
EEA | See European Economic Area |
EEIG | See European Economic Interest Group |
eInclusion | ICT assistance for disabled and elderly communities |
EIB | European Investment Bank |
EIC | See Euro Info Centres |
Eligible costs | Costs that are reimbursable in full or in part by the Commission, under the terms of the Contract that is the basis for the project. |
EMBL | European Molecular Biology Laboratory |
EPSS | European Proposal Submittal System - replaces Protool in FP6. |
ERA | See European Research Area |
ERA NET | The ERA-NET scheme will be the principal means for the Sixth Framework Programme to support the co-operation and co-ordination of research activities carried out at national or regional level. The scheme will be financed as a part of the specific programme "Integrating and strengthening the European Research Area". |
EAS | See European Space Agency |
ESF | European Science Foundation |
ESO | European Southern Laboratory |
ESPRIT | FP1, 2, 3 and 4 Program – European Strategic Program for R&D in IT |
ESR | Evaluation Summary Report – the formal reply provided by the Commission to a proposer giving the result of the evaluation |
Ethical review | An ethical review will be implemented systematically by the Commission for proposals dealing with ethically sensitive issues. In specific cases, further ethical reviews may take place during the implementation of a project. Participants in FP6 projects must conform to current legislation and regulations in the countries where the research will be carried out. They must seek the approval of the relevant ethics committees prior to the start of the RTD activities, if there are ethical issues involved |
ETP | See European Technology Platform |
ETSI | European Telecommunications Standards Institute |
EU | European Union |
EURAB | See European Research Advisory Board |
EURATOM | Is the abbreviation for the European Atomic Energy Community, one of the building blocks of the European Union. In relation to FP6, the obligations of the EurAtom treaty in the field of research are reflected in the specific program on nuclear research. |
EUREKA | A Europe-wide Network for Industrial R&D |
European Economic Area | This now consists of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and has a special relationship with the EU. |
Euro Info Centres | Act as an interface between European institutions and the local level ( Euro Info Centres are close to the enterprises in order to help them gain easier access to the opportunities presented by Europe and to prepare them for crucial milestones, such as the Euro, electronic commerce, enlargement etc. The EICs cover some 300 contact points in 265 towns and across 37 countries within Europe providing information, advice and assistance to SMEs. |
European Economic Interest Group | European Economic Interest Group (EEIG) created by Council Regulation 2137/85 of 25 July 1985 (Official Journal No L 199 of 31 July 1985) is a legal instrument allowing companies to cooperate with partners based in other Community countries for the realization of a specific project in a loose, flexible form of association and on an equal legal footing while maintaining their economic and legal independence. |
European Research Advisory Board | European Research Advisory Board (EURAB) is a high-level, independent, advisory committee created by the Commission to provide advice on the design and implementation of EU research policy. EURAB is made up of 45 top experts from EU countries and beyond. Its members are nominated in a personal capacity and come from a wide range of academic and industrial backgrounds, as well as representing other societal interests. |
European Research Area | New politically correct catch phrase to denote the synergistic cohesion of the various R&D programs both national and multinational within the EU. |
European Space Agency | The European Space Agency is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the people of Europe. ESA has 15 Member States. By coordinating the financial and intellectual resources of its members, it can undertake programmes and activities far beyond the scope of any single European country. |
European Technology Platform | This is a new Euro buzz word introduced late 2003, as part of the planning for FP7. Initially it was a set of meetings per important technology sector at which the major European actors could be mobilised to identify strategies and future directions. It was initially seen to be an open initiative with no funding. However, the pilots that have been set up are essentially closed and will seek funding in FP7 perhaps using Article 171. |
Evaluation | The process by which proposals are retained with a view to selection as projects, or are not retained. Evaluation procedures are fully transparent and published in the Evaluation Manual. Evaluation is conducted through the application of published Evaluation Criteria. |
Exploitation | Exploitation plan - mini business plan required within most R7D proposals |
FC | Full Cost with calculated overhead |
FCF | New cost basis in FP6, replacing FF which essentially provides a fixed overhead of 20% to costs excluding subcontracts |
Fellowship | Marie Curie fellowships are either fellowships, where individual researchers apply directly to the Commission, or host fellowships, where institutions apply to host a number of researchers |
FET | Future and Emerging Technologies – more academic long term part of IST R&D activities |
FET Open | Part of FET program where topics are not predefined and runs under continuously open calls |
FET Proactive | Second part of FET program which is implemented via fixed calls and on specific long term research topics |
FF | Full Cost with fixed overhead of 80%- Only in FP5 |
Financial Guidelines | The financial guidelines of the Sixth Framework Programmes (FP6 Financial Guidelines) are intended to provide to the participants in FP6 projects, as well as to the Commission services, in a single and, as far as possible, complete document: - information on the financial aspects of the main indirect actions of the Sixth Framework Programmes; - relevant references to the applicable legal framework; - concrete examples, as well as suggestions for good financial practices to be applied when carrying out EC-funded RTD projects. The guidelines include sections on: the first principles; the nature of the grant; the principles applicable to grants which reimburse eligible costs; the Community financial contribution (including cost models); subcontracts; collective responsibility; sanctions and recoveries. |
Financial Regulations | The Council Regulation (EC, EURATOM) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the "Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities" and the Commission Regulation laying down detailed rules for the implementation of this Council Regulation. |
FP | Framework Program (EU - Fourth FP is FP4 etc.) |
Fundamental research | Fundamental research is an activity designed to broaden scientific and technical knowledge not directly linked to industrial or commercial objectives. |
Galileo | A constellation of 24 to 30 Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) Satellites supporting a Global Navigation service. This primary vocation will, in time, permit the development of various Value Added Services. |
Geant | On going project within IST used as a means to support the European High Speed Backbone Research Network |
Gender Action Plan | Proposals for Integrated Projects and Networks of Excellence have to comprise a gender action plan indicating actions and activities that will be developed to promote the role of women as participants in the project. The action plan is a set of measures chosen by the contractor, according to its analysis of what is appropriate in the frame of the project, and on the basis of its comprehension of the gender issue in science. The action plan can include measures such as (examples only, other measures welcome): taking special action to bring more women into the project, linking with networks of women scientists in the field of the project, hiring gender experts to review/audit/monitor the gender dimension of the project, organising a seminar/conference/workshop to raise awareness about the need to increase gender equality in the field of the project, conduct surveys/analysis, |
GIS | Geographic Information System |
GNSS | Global Navigation Satellite Systems |
Grant for integration | For Networks of Excellence, the Community financial contribution shall take the form of a fixed grant for integration to attain the objective of the joint programme of activities. The amount of the grant is calculated taking into account the degree of integration, the number of researchers that all participants intend to integrate, the characteristics of the field of research concerned and the joint programme of activities. This contribution is to be used to complement the resources deployed by the participants in order to carry out the joint programme of activities. |
Grant to the budget | For Integrated Projects and other instruments, with the exception of those which require a public procurement procedure and those for which a lump sum contribution is made, the Community financial contribution shall take the form of a grant to the budget. It is calculated as a percentage of the costs estimated by the participants to carry out the project, adapted according to the type of activity (research, demonstration, training...) permitted by the instrument and taking into account the cost model used by the participant concerned. |
I3 | See Integrated Infrastructure Initiative |
ICT | Information and communications technologies |
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force |
Implementation Plan | Means the description of the work to be carried out in order to implement the project as set out in Annex I of the contract. For an Integrated Project it consists of two parts - - a detailed implementation plan: providing a detailed description of the work to be carried out over the eighteen-month period1 covered by one period as defined in Article 6 and the first six months of the following period, together with a detailed financial plan for the same eighteen-month period, containing estimates of eligible costs broken down by contractor and by activity. - an outline implementation plan: providing an outline description of the work to be carried out throughout the duration of the project, including a non-confidential action plan for the promotion of gender equality within the project |
IMS | Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Initiative |
INCO | Acronym for the international co-operation activities in FP6, i.e. the activities on co-operation with third countries. These are a part of the specific programme "Integrating and strengthening European research". |
Independence | Independence is defined as - 1. Two legal entities shall be independent of one another where there is no controlling relationship between them. A controlling relationship shall exist where one legal entity directly or indirectly controls the other or one legal entity is under the same direct or indirect control as the other. Control may result in particular from: (a) direct or indirect holding of more than 50% of the nominal value of the issued share capital in a legal entity, or of a majority of voting rights of the shareholders or associates of that entity; (b) direct or indirect holding in fact or in law of decision-making powers in a legal entity. 2. Direct or indirect holding of more than 50% of the nominal value of the issued share capital in a legal entity or a majority of voting rights of the shareholders or associates of the said entity by public investment corporations, institutional investors or venture-capital companies and funds shall not in itself constitute a controlling relationship. 3. Ownership or supervision of legal entities by the same public body shall not in itself give rise to a controlling relationship between them. |
Indirect action | Means an RTD activity undertaken by one or more participants by means of an instrument of the sixth Framework Program |
Industrial research | Research and investigation activities aimed at the acquisition of new knowledge with the objective to use such knowledge for developing new products, processes or services or in bringing about a significant improvement in existing products, processes or services. |
Initial Public Offering | This is when a privately held company makes a public offering to sell shares in the company. |
Innovation | In FP6 has several different meanings depending on context, each with some legal implication – 1. A form of STREP not currently used in IST 2. An activity type in a STREP or IP 3. Generic meaning of “something new” |
Innovation Relay Centres | These centres have been created in order to facilitate the transfer of innovative technologies to and from European companies or research institutions. As a mover and shaker in innovation, the IRC network has become a leading European network for the promotion of technology partnerships and transfer mainly between small and medium-sized companies (SMEs). 68 regional IRCs span 30 countries including the EU, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Switzerland. |
Insight projects | Insight projects are type of project to support research in "New and Emerging Science and Technology" (NEST) under FP6. These are designed to investigate and evaluate new discoveries or phenomena which may bring new risks and potential problems for European society. Their aim will be to generate and consolidate scientific understanding, as well as to assist in formulating responses to address such problems. |
Instrument | The mechanism for indirect Community intervention as laid down in Annex III of the Sixth Framework program, with the exception of Community financial participation pursuant to Article 169 of the Treaty |
INTAS | INTAS is an independent International Association formed by the European Community, European Union Member States and like minded countries acting to preserve and promote the valuable scientific potential of the Newly Independent States of the former Soviet Union through East-West Scientific co-operation. INTAS implements a part of and is financed by the FP6 INCO activities. |
Integrated Infrastructure Initiative | Type of instrument unused in IST in FP6 that relates more to Research Infrastructures program. |
Integrated Project | A new type of project in FP6 that comprises a coherent set of component actions which may vary in size and structure according to the tasks to be carried out, each dealing with different aspects of the research needed to achieve common overall objectives, and forming a coherent whole and implemented in close coordination |
Integration | Application of synergy, by which different fields of endeavour are brought together to yield results of far greater significance than would have been possible through individual and independent actions. |
Intellectual property rights | Intellectual Property Rights cover all aspects of owning, protecting and giving access to knowledge and pre-existing know how. |
International organisation | Any legal entity arising from the association of States, other than the Community, established on the basis of a treaty or similar act, having common institutions and an international legal personality distinct from that of its Member States. |
IP | See Integrated Project |
IP | Internet Protocol |
IP | See Intellectual Property (rights) |
IPO | See Initial Public Offering |
IPR | See Intellectual Property Rights |
IRC | See Innovation Relay Centres |
Irregularity | Any infringement of a provision of Community law or any breach of a contractual obligation resulting from an act or omission by a contractor which has, or would have, the effect of prejudicing the general budget of the Communities or budgets managed by them through unjustified expenditure. |
ISERD | Israel Europe Research and Development - Israel Directorate for Framework Program |
ISO | International Standards Organisation |
IST | Information Society Technologies. Thematic Program of FP6, addressing research issues towards a user-friendly Information Society. |
ISTAG | Information Society Technologies Advisory Group |
ISTC | Information Society Technologies Committee |
JPA | See Joint Program of Activities |
Joint Program of Activities | The Joint Programme of Activities is the plan of action for implementing a Network of Excellence. Network of Excellence are expected to induce and to manage processes of change: to remove mental, financial, technical and legal barriers to integration; to durably “institutionalise” the links between the institutions involved, which will imply the restructuring of the research portfolios and of the existing organizational structures. The JPA must show the serious commitment of all partners to organizational change. |
Joint Research Centre | The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. |
JRC | See Joint Research Centre |
JTC | Join Technical Committee, an association between ISO and the IEC (Information Engineering Committee) |
KA | See Key Action |
Key Action | In FP5 Each Specific Program was divided into Key Actions, each covering a broad technical domain |
Knowledge | The results, including information, whether or not they can be protected, arising from the project governed by the contract, as well as copyrights or rights pertaining to such information following applications for, or the issue of patents, designs, plant varieties, supplementary protection certificates or similar forms of protection. |
LBS | See Location Based Services |
Legal entity | Legal entities are natural persons or any legal persons created under the national law of their place of establishment, under Community law or under international law, having legal personality and being entitled to have rights and obligations of any kind in their own name. |
Legitimate interest | A contractor’s interest of any kind, particularly a commercial interest, that may be claimed in the cases provided for in the contract. To this end the contractor must prove that failure to take account of its interest would result in its suffering disproportionately great harm. |
Leonardo da Vinci | A EU funded program outside of the Framework Program |
Location Based Services | Push provision of information and assistance to mobile handset based on context of the users Location |
Marie Curie | See Fellowship |
Member | In IST an optional designation used in FP5 for organisations joining a Network or Accompanying Measure |
Member state | A state being a member of the European Union |
Memorandum of Understanding | A legal agreement suggested for signature by individual organisations while building a consortium to make a proposal. |
MITI | Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry |
Model contract | For implementing indirect actions, the Commission concludes contracts with all participants of a project. These contracts are based on a standard model - the model contract - that is applicable to all instruments of FP6. |
MOU | See Memorandum of Understanding |
MS | See Member state |
NAS | New Associated State - States of Eastern and Central Europe that have become associated to the Framework Program. |
National contact point | Member States and Associated States have established national systems to disseminate information on FP6 and assist participants preparing proposals and managing ongoing projects. |
Network of Excellence | New type of FP6 project to foster co-operation between centres of excellence in universities, research centres, enterprises, including SMEs, and science and technology organisations. The activities concerned will be generally targeted towards long-term, multidisciplinary objectives, rather than predefined results in terms of products, processes or services |
NCP | See National contact point |
New instruments | The specific aim of FP6, not just to fund good research, but also to have a structuring and coordinating effect on the European research landscape, requires the application of new types of projects (new mechanisms for indirect Community intervention) bringing together a critical mass of resources and leading to lasting integration of research capacities. The three new instruments are Integrated Projects, Networks of Excellence and Programmes implemented jointly by several Member States ("Article 169") |
New member states | Term given to the ten countries that became members of the EU on 1 May 2004 |
NIS | Newly Independent State. Refers to those countries, now independent that formally were part of the Soviet Union - generally now excluding those regarded as NAS. New Israel Shekel - current Israeli currency |
NMP | NMP is the acronym for the research priority "Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences, knowledge-based multifunctional materials, and new production processes and devices" in FP6. |
NMS | See New member state |
NoE | See Network of Excellence |
OCS | Office of the Chief Scientist in Israel |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer |
Official Journal | Legal journal of the EU where notices are publication |
One-stage procedure | Within this procedure of proposal submission and evaluation in FP6, a full proposal has to be submitted immediately and will be the basis for evaluation and selection of projects to be funded (see also two-stage procedure). |
Participant | Participants in FP6 projects are legal entities contributing to an indirect action and having rights and obligations with regard to the Community and to one another under the terms of the Rules for Participation and the model contract. Under the contract with the Community participants are referred to as contractors. |
Pathfinder project | Pathfinder projects are type of project to support research in "New and Emerging Science and Technology" (NEST) under FP6. Pathfinder initiatives aim to help European scientists to take the lead in pioneering fields and build up European capabilities such fields. They are focused on clearly-identified areas with a long-term promise for Europe, preparing the ground for wider support to new fields in future European research programmes. |
Peer review | Peer review means the evaluation of proposals with the help of independent external experts (peers). For FP6, the procedures for the evaluation of proposals are described in detail in a Commission decision on "Guidelines on proposal evaluation and selection procedures". |
PNP | One type of legal status of participants in FP6. PNP means "Private Organisation, Non Profit" (i.e. any privately owned non profit organisation). |
PRC | One type of legal status of participants in FP6. PRC means "Private Commercial Organisation including Consultant" (i.e. any commercial organisations owned by individuals either directly or by shares). |
Pre-existing know-how | The information which is held by contractors prior to the conclusion of the contract, or acquired in parallel with the duration of the contract it, as well as copyrights or rights pertaining to such information following applications for, or the issue of, patents, designs, plant varieties, supplementary protection certificates or similar forms of protection. Also referred to as Background. |
Pre-proposal check | An informal advisory pre-proposal check service may be offered by the Commission to the research community. The purpose is to advise potential proposers on whether the planned proposal fulfils some basic formal conditions (as e.g. the minimum number of participants from different countries) and if it appears to be within the scope of the call for proposals. The possibility of pre-proposal check is indicated in the guides for proposers. |
Pre–Registration | Procedure by which proposers notify the Commission of their intention to submit a proposal - from Call 4 it is part of the EPSS registration process |
Project | All the work referred to in Annex I of a contract. |
Protection of knowledge | Where knowledge created in FP6 projects is capable of industrial or commercial applications, its owner shall provide for its adequate and effective protection, in conformity with relevant legal provision, including the contract and the consortium agreement, and having due regard to the legitimate interest of the contractors concerned. |
Protool | A tool in FP5 to assist in proposal submittal |
Public body | A public sector body or a legal entity governed by private law with a public-service mission providing adequate financial guarantees |
PUC | One type of legal status of participants in FP6. PUC means Public Commercial Organisation (i.e. commercial organisation established and owned by a public authority). |
RACE | A part of the FP2 and FP3 which dealt with broadband networking. |
Receipts | To properly estimate the Community contribution, the budget of FP6 contracts must comprise in addition to the estimated eligible costs also the estimated eligible receipts of the contractors within the project. Receipts can be in the form of: · Financial transfers or their equivalent to the contractor from third parties ; · Contributions in kind from third parties; · Income generated by the project. |
Regulation | The Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the participation of undertakings, research centres and universities and for the dissemination of research results for the implementation of the European Community Framework Program 2002-2006 or the Regulation of the Council concerning the participation of undertakings for the implementation of the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) Framework Program (2002-2006). |
Reimbursement rate | For FP6 indirect actions, the Community contribution covers in general only a part of the eligible costs. The maximum reimbursement rates for costs incurred are determined by the type of activity: For contractors using the Additional Cost model: up to 100 % of their additional costs for all types of eligible activities (for the consortium management activity they may charge the cost of permanent personnel if they can determine their real costs). For contractors using the Full Cost or Full Cost Flat rate model: · for research and technological development activities up to 50 % of eligible costs; · for demonstration activities up to 35 % of eligible costs; · for management of the consortium activities up to 100 % of eligible cost not exceeding 7% of the total Community financial contribution; · for training up to 100 % of eligible costs; · for other specific activities up to 100 % of eligible costs; |
Researchers | Within a Network of Excellence, researchers means research staff with at least four years of research experience or those in possession of a doctoral degree. Additionally, a researcher must either be an employee of one of the contractors or be working under its direct management authority in the framework of a formal agreement between the contractor and the researchers employer. |
Research Infrastructures | Facilities necessary for conducting research or for supporting the researchers. These may include research institutions, laboratories, test beds and other specialised research equipment, communications networks dedicated to research (including the Internet), libraries, learned bodies and other sources of knowledge. |
Research Network | Not available in FP6 - but see Coordination Activity. Was a method of funding a network of researchers, enabling them to meet on a specific theme. Did not fund the research itself. |
Research Training Networks | Promote training through research especially of researchers at pre-doctoral and at post-doctoral level |
RN | See Research Network |
Roadmap | Part of the Workprogram indicating which Technical topics are opened in each Call for Proposals, and at which time. The roadmap provides a means of focusing attention on areas or sub-areas of the Program in any specific Call, thereby optimising opportunities for launching collaborative projects and establishing thematic networks. |
Roadmap project | Late in FP5 several IST areas launched such projects in preparation for FP6. Most of them plan to metamorphose into proposals to FP6. If one or more exist in a an area, interested parties should contact them. |
RTD | Research and Technology Development. RTD is also used to indicate one of the “types of actions addressed” in the Technical topics description. It then refers to R&D, Demonstration or Combined projects as defined in the Guide for Proposers. |
Rules of participation | Rules of participation means the Regulation No.2321/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the rules for the participation of undertakings, research centres and universities in, and for dissemination of research results for, the implementation of the European Community Sixth Framework Program (2002-2006). |
SEA | Semiconductor Equipment Assessment action in FP5 |
Service Action | Specific type of IP. They support academic research, feasibility design, prototyping, training and education and through access to advanced tools |
SME | Small or Medium sized Enterprise - has fewer than 250 employees (full time equivalents); - has either an annual turnover not exceeding EUR 50 million, or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding EUR 43 million; and - conforms to the criterion of independence. See Independence (Note this is a new definition as of 1 Jan 2005) |
SME Exploratory Award | Given to an SME to support the exploratory phase of a project (for up to 12 months). Supported by the Program of Innovation and Special Measures for SMEs. Does not exist in FP6. |
Socrates | A EU funded program outside of the Framework program |
Specific program | FP6 is subdivided into three sub-programs for the indirect actions plus two sub-programs for the direct actions. These 5 sub-programs are called specific programs. |
Specific Support Action | This is an action that contributes to the implementation of the IST program or the preparation of future activities of the Program. |
Specific Targeted Innovation Project | Specific Targeted Innovation Projects (STIP) are multi partner innovation projects. Their purpose is to support activities exploring, validating and disseminating new innovation concepts and methods at European level. The Community contribution is paid as a grant to the budget (percentage of total costs of the project). |
Specific Targeted Research Project | This is the name given in FP6 to what was formally known as RTD project. |
SSA | See Specific Support Action |
Stimulation Action | This is a specific type of IP. Aimed at broadening the knowledge on a topic of a specific target audience. |
STIP | See Specific Targeted Innovation Project |
STREP | See Specific Targeted Research Project |
Subcontract | An agreement to provide services, supplies or goods concluded between a contractor and one or more subcontractors for the specific needs of the project. |
Subcontractor | For specific tasks of a fixed duration, a proposal / project may include sub-contractors, who do not participate in the project and do not benefit from the intellectual property rights acquired through achievements of the project. Third party carrying out minor tasks related to the project, by means of a subcontract with one or more of the contractors |
Submission Date | Equivalent to the closure date of a Call. The precise date and time by when proposals need to have been received by the Commission Services. |
Subsidiarity | This principle states that work better done at the local level should not be carried out at the European level |
Take up activities | Take-up activities are activities to promote the early or broad application of state-of-the-art technologies. Take-up activities include the assessment, trial and validation of promising, but not fully established, technologies and solutions, easier access to and the transfer of best practices for the early use and exploitation of technologies. In particular, they will be expected to target SMEs. |
Take up measures | Measures stimulating diffusion and utilisation of technologies developed under RTD projects. A specific form of Accompanying Measure. In FP6 can only exist within STREPs or IPs |
TAP | Telematics Application Program |
Targeted Research | A new name in FP6 for projects previously known as RTD projects |
Technical collective responsibility | Technical implementation of the project shall be the collective responsibility of the contractors. To that end each contractor shall take all necessary and reasonable measures to attain the objectives of the project, and to carry out the work incumbant on the defaulting contractor. |
Telematics Application Program | One of the high level programs under FP3 and FP4, merged into IST in FP5 |
Test bed | A test bed is used to integrate, test and validate new technologies in a close to real environment. |
Thematic Network | Type of project discontinued in FP6 and replaced by Concerted Action. |
Third country | A countries that is not a member of the EU and is not associated with the Framework Program |
TN | See Thematic Network |
Training activities | The purpose of training activities is to provide advanced training of researchers and other key staff, research managers, industrial executives (in particular for SMEs) and potential users of the knowledge produced within the project. Such training should contribute to the professional development of the persons concerned |
Transnational access | The objective of this scheme is to sponsor new opportunities for research teams and individual researchers to obtain access to major research infrastructures, which are unique or rare in Europe and provide world-class service essential for the conduct of top-quality research. Community support will cover up to 100% of the costs of providing access to an infrastructure for research teams working in Member States and Associated States other than that where the operator of the infrastructure is located. Access costs will be calculated either on the basis of the Unit Fee system, or of the actual additional costs connected with making the access available. Applications shall be made by the institutions operating the major research infrastructures. Opportunities for potential users in the infrastructures selected will be published on the Internet |
Trials (for users and suppliers) | Type of Take-up measure. |
TRP | See Specific Targeted Research Project |
Two stage procedure | This submission and evaluation procedure of FP6 includes a first step where a relatively short outline proposal will be submitted and evaluated, followed by a second step of submission and evaluation of a full proposal only for the outline proposals evaluated positively. The application of this procedure will be announced in the work programmes and in the calls for proposals (see also one-stage procedure). |
Ubiquitous | Refers to “anywhere any time” |
Use | The direct or indirect utilisation of knowledge in research activities or for developing, creating and marketing a product or process or for creating and providing a service |
Use Action | Specific type of IP. Aim is to promote the integration and use of a specific technology |
Valorisation | Euro English – French actually – meaning is "mobilisation" |
VAT | Value Added Tax |
Work package | The activities to be undertaken by each project should be broken down into work packages. These can be further divided into Tasks. |
Workprogram | Each specific program within the Framework Program is defined in its Workprogram which is normally updated annually. It defines the content of the calls for proposal to be issued. |
WP | See Work package |
WTO | World Trade Organisation |