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FP6 Financial Info & FAQs --> Project --> Costs --> Eligible Costs --> Misc


When you are an AC contractor is internal invoicing of services an eligible cost? An example would be if a department in the organisation develops a webpage or carries out copying because this is cheaper than using an external company? Can a third party purchase services from the contractor and report this as eligible costs?


The cost model is not relevant – the same applies to AC, FC and FCF.


One department can charge a second for direct costs. In the report to EU, the reporting department should report the cost to EU as direct cost (salaries or materials etc. – defined for budgetary purposes only not form C). The “other” department’s overhead and “profit” should be excluded and overheads at 20% claimed by the contracting department. The cost must be actual direct costs, not higher price from supplier if they had been used.

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