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FP6 Financial Info & FAQs --> Project --> Costs --> Eligible Costs --> Misc


Given an FP6 project ends at a certain date, can we charge personnel cost for preparing the required reports after the end of that date? I.e., if the final reporting period is 1/4/05 to 31/3/06, can we charge time spend for reporting and audit preparation in April 06?


This is similar to a previous FAQ:



To clarify, in FP5, only the Coordinator could charge after the project end date in order to complete deliverables. This changed in FP6. All partners can now charge to attend the final review and complete deliverables even if the review takes place after the project end date.


"Eligible costs must be incurred during the duration of the project, with the exception of final reports where costs are eligible up to 45 days (or 90 days, if an extension is requested by the coordinator on behalf of the consortium) after the end of the project to assess the deliverables and the draft final reports. If the results of the review are used by the consortium to draw the final reports, then the costs of the review are considered as "incurred in drawing up the final reports" and are eligible."


Thus now in FP6, the whole consortium can charge costs relating to the final review and preparation of reports after the project end date – if you word it correctly.

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