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FP6 Financial Info & FAQs --> Project --> Costs --> Staff Costs --> Staff Costs FAQs


Within the 6fp program strep project: 1.is it necessary to obtain prior approval from project officer to attend a conference in Canada. 2. Can tuition fees be considered an eligible cost for researcher working towards his/her phd. We are AC model


1.       In FP6 travel outside Europe does not need prior approval however; it should have been foreseen in the DoW. The expanse must be justified as a project costs as economic, actual and necessary like any other expense

2.       If tuition fee is a “benefit” instead of paying salary (i.e. like grants to PhD students etc) then the cost is part of personnel costs. Locally it may or may not be liable to Income tax, but that is a separate issue which does not affect whether it is eligible for EU

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