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FP6 Financial Info & FAQs --> Project --> Cost Statements --> Eligible and Ineligible Costs --> Eligible and Ineligible Costs FAQs


The financial guidelines tell us that: "any identifiable indirect taxes, including VAT or duties" may not be charged to the project. My question is regarding the term "identifiable". For example, we receive an invoice for a dinner for a project meeting, on this invoice the tax is mentioned and therefore identifiable and therefore not chargeable to the project. But if we travel to a project meeting and we buy a train ticket we do not see the VAT, so therefore I assume the VAT is not "identifiable". Is this correct? The same if we buy a lunch during that day and we receive a receipt for this lunch, no VAT is “identifiable”, since the VAT is not mentioned on the receipt. Is this correct?


Yes, although VAT is not allowed as an expense, the Financial Section, by concession, accepts/agrees that you do not need to take "unreasonable" steps and time to identify every past Euro.

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