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FP6 Financial Info & FAQs --> Project --> Cost Statements --> Eligible and Ineligible Costs --> Eligible and Ineligible Costs FAQs


During official trip abroad, while working on certain project workpackages, I have to pay foreign VAT in prices of hotel, petrol or tickets. Based on our national accounting practice - this VAT is eligible costs as there is no opportunity for my company to refund this money. What about FP6 projects? I have met two different approaches from the side of auditors - one approach accept foreign VAT as an eligible cost the other excludes all foreign VAT from eligible costs. As I travel often by car, these amounts represent quite significant sum of money. Could you tell me what is your opinion on the subject?


We have received this question in many different forms.

The bottom line is that if the VAT is identifiable, then it is not eligible to be claimed back from the Commission. Being from a Member State, your company should be able to claim it back in its normal way. If you are not VAT registered, like most academia, then this money is lost.

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