The Finance Helpdesk will be holding a 1 day Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) Workshop on the on 23 Sept 2009, in London Heathrow, UK.
This Marie Curie workshop provides an In-depth knowledge of Marie Curie Initial Training Networks:
An Initial Training Network (ITN) proposal requires a consortium whose main focus is to train researchers (e.g. doctoral students) within a network-wide technology area. The consortium should include partners from both business and academia. Average funding is 3M Euro for a four year project.
The Workshop will include specially prepared materials including: presentations, and workbooks with illustrated examples. The workshop is relevant to anyone who wants to understand the workings of Marie Curie Initial Training Networks, their financial rules and how to report correctly.
Topics covered include:
- ITN Overview
- Rules for funding research teams
- Submission Process and A Forms
- Part B, Evaluation, Proposal tips
- Evaluation Process
- Grant Agreement
- Financials and Reporting
- Consortium Agreement
- Ethical Issues
Places are limited and will be allocated on a first register – first serve basis.
Cost to attend is 595€ and includes Workshop handouts, coffee and lunch.
Discounts are available for this Workshop; please see registration form for Details.
To register, please download the registration form and send completed form by Email here, or fax to: +972 89327362