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30/01/2008 - 1 Day SME Measures (CRAFT) Workshop in Brussels, Belgium.

In order to answer requests, the Finance Helpdesk will be holding an open 1 Day FP7 SME Measures (CRAFT) Workshop on 30 Jan 2008, in Brussels, Belgium.


This workshop is now fully booked.  Please book for another date here.


There have been some major rule changes between FP6 and FP7. In FP7, RTD Performers like Universities and Research organisations, can be the Coordinators of "Research for the benefit of SME" projects.


The Workshop is aimed at people from organisations who are interested in taking part in SME Measures (CRAFT) project proposals. The Workshop will specifically cover the financial rules and regulations related to this type of project and specifically the derogations from other types of Framework Program research proposals.

For example, the price and payment modalities agreed between RTD performers and SMEs should reflect the value of the intellectual property rights and knowledge acquired: the price of a licence should normally be lower than the price for ownership.


The workshop shortcuts the learning curve for participating in a project proposal with a higher chance of success.


The Workshop will cover:


·                      Overview of Call Activities in “SME Measures” Workprogram

·                      SME and SME-AG funding schemes

·                      Types of participants (SMEs, SME-associations,  RTD performers, Others)

·                      Submission process

·                      A Forms

·                      Filling in Part B template

·                      Overview of  proposal sections

·                      Evaluation Criteria

·                      Budget Preparation (Spreadsheet exercise)

·                      IPR Issues (Access rights v Cost investment for participants)

·                      Financials (funding regimes, overheads, activities, funding levels, cost statements)

·                      Consortium Agreement

·                      Ethical Issues


Places are limited and will be allocated on a first register – first serve basis.

Cost to attend is 595€ and includes Workshop handouts, coffee and lunch.


There is a special discount available for those who register to both this Workshop and  the Contract Negotiation and Project Kick-off Workshop on 28 Jan 2007 and / or the, 1 Day FP7 Financial Workshop on the 29 Jan 2008 at the same venue.


To register, please download the registration form and send completed form by Email here, or fax to: +972 89327362

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